Wednesday 11 July 2012

So what now?

Well, what a strange season that was!
Since that play off final loss, things have not been good at all. At the time of writing the situation is desperate and as far as I can see, the club refuses to move forward until Williamson and McDonald decide where their futures lay. For me this is bad management, I do understand that the club wants to keep the players and doesn't want to put pressure on them...but we are now only about 5 weeks away from the start of the new season. I personally think they should be given an ultimatum because at this rate the the club will have no new players and a very restricted squad. I know they are good players, but are they that good that the club should standstill and just wait for them to make their minds up. I think the wait should be up because the club badly needs some new players to help build a team worthy of promotion, because at the moment I do not see the top two or top six for that matter as even a reasonable target. Its a sad state of affairs, and to make things worse McDonald didn't even turn up to training (i know he doesn't have too) but Williamson, so it shows a lack of commitment to the cause. In simple terms the situation needs sorting ASAP if anything is to be salvaged, I know this is a very pessimistic view and its still early but that fact is the squad needs some major work done to it. Like a goal scorer and a new right back as we don't seem to have a single one at the present and the strikers don't leave a lot to desired really.
The Cofie signing would be a boost of sorts, but will his heart really be in it. And more importantly will we actually sign him because the saga has been going on since Monday now. So yeah, we are just going to have to wait and see. I do hope I am mistaken and that things will come quickly but at the moment I just dont see it...

Monday 4 July 2011

'King James'

So news today is rife with James. Speculation has been growing over the last couple of days that James Beattie is set to return to Sheffield United. I think this is the best news the club has had for a long time. It would be a massive moral boost for everyone with the football club. Even at 33 he still has plenty to offer, and I don't see him having any problem getting the goals in League One.
He is not a man that needs any explaining for United fans, as he is nothing short of a legend in the modern day era of football at the Lane. His goal return was phenomenal when he was here, so I would be pleased if he turned up. So lets get down to the basics, he has been a good striker during his time (not the best) but still a good player. Its fair to say that his best time was when he was at Bramall Lane, but for some his time has past and the saying 'Never Look Back' may be appropriate for some. However I can see nothing but massive positives IF he was to sign for the club, because he has proved it and I still think he has a couple of years left him at the age of 33 he could do a job in League One. Again with my theme of getting straight back up to the Championship, I think he could still repeat his goal scoring of 08'. He is really in the same mould as Kevin Phillips, and I have no doubts that Kev will hit at least 10 next year even at the ripe age of 37. So if he can do it then why not King James...

Sunday 3 July 2011

Matt Duke

Looks like United may be signing Matt Duke from Hull. At first sight this does not seem to be a very ambitious signing if it does come true. However I would urge those who think this to see at as a stepping-stone signing. He is 33 years old so, he has probably in his prime, but I'm not sure how much he has played in recent years as Hull have had some half decent keepers on their books. But for me the main selling point would be that it would hopefully mean Simonsen would not be keeper next year.. Now for me if he was still in the net, it would be concerning, as I don't think he is a great keeper at all. He made many silly mistakes last year, so to get him out of the net would be massive step in the right direction. Matt Duke may be the man to take his place and he has experience so I don't really think its going to be a bad signing. BUT at the club there is also the Estonian lad, who for me NEEDS to be tried, I mean what's the point of having an international keeper if you're just going to send him on loan to a non-league team. He may turn out to be a really top keeper and be a key stone in United attempt at getting straight back up.
So for now, it looks like Duke is coming and I for one open him with welcome arms, and I hope this means SS will be leaving for pastures new!

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Darius and C.Porter

So the BIG NEWS today: well not such big news really, but interesting all the same. Millwall may be in talks with Henderson. Well to me this is great! It means we get 14k (ish) back on the wage bill. For me this can only be a good thing. Don't get me wrong I don't think Henderson is a bad player, and he is power would certainly be an asset in L1. However I'm sure we can get more for less money, there are some strikers without clubs at the moment and the one that stands out for me is Chris Porter. I have always been a fan of him, back from his Oldham days I thought he would turn out to be something more than what he has achieved. With some bad luck and a little poor form its fair to say he has underperformed, I do recognised that is partially down to himself by not taking the most of his Derby County chance, but injuries really have played a part in his downfall.
For me he still has miles left on the clock and they would be well used at the Lane. He could get his career back on track at Sheffield United. Its back in a division that he knows well from playing here, so given a little time he would be able to find his footing I'm sure. It really could be a move that gets him back where he wants to be. Going on the presumption that United get straight back to the Championship there is nothing to say he couldn't find his feet there as well and continue to do well. Just a thought..

Edit 12/7/12 How wrong was I about Porter eh?
Hopefully he will do the business next year.

Tuesday 21 June 2011


 Some relatively good news today. Daniel Bogdanovic has stated that he is happy at the club and does want to stay here. Even with speculation of him returning to Barnsley. I see this as good news for two reason. The first I am not a big fan of Barnsley ( bad blood between the two teams) and the second again a personal reason I see Bogdanovic as the best striker the team has. I believe he has the potential to do very well and in League One and am confident that he is up to the job. At a first glance it does appear that he was probably a publicity stunt. As the sponsor at the time was Visit-Malta.Com and he is a Maltese international so it doesn't take a genius to work out the connection there. But when you start to look at things a little closer he isn't a bad player.
Being honest he hasn't shown his full potential in his opening term at the club, all be it a horrible previous season nor has he been the shining light in the team. Though what has shown is that he has some potential and some skill about him. Something that is very important in League One. Then there is the fact that he scored 14 goals in his last full season at Oakwell, in a team that was flirting with relegation. So its not a bad return really.
I believe that if he is to stay then he will do well in League One and score hat-fulls of goals, and if he is able to find his feet and the team where to win promotion straight back up to the Championship then hopefully he would be able to continue the form. For me he has shown the most potential out of all the strikers at the club, and whilst he is not the youngest his experience should be able to guide him through League One.This is one player that we will have to keep any eye on...

What we need

Just a quick idea I have thought about..
What does Sheffield United Football Club need?
Some pacey winger, and we haven't has one in my opinion since the likes of David Cotterill. Hopefully new management will see to this!

Sunday 19 June 2011

Lescinel Jean-Francois

First signing of the Summer. So he is 24 and to me looks like he has a little potential as well. Not a devastating signing but not one that gives me an awful lot of confidence in Danny Wilson. The thing here is that the guy is still young so has time to get up to the standard that I believe United should be looking for. He does though seem to be a solid defender and that's exactly what the club needs right now.
SO after a first glance this signing my not be that bad. Another positive the club can take out of this is that Wilson knows him very well and has worked with him at Swindon and he won player of the year. So these are both good signs and he may be what United were looking for. Now lets face it he cant be worse than Nosworthy (former United loanee from Sunderland) so that is another massive boost.
Hopefully we will be bringing in a quick pacey winger ( preferably 2) but we will have to wait and see what happens over the next couple of weeks.
So back to the idea of 'the fall' United looked a promising team a few years back with ambitions of getting to the Premier League, this dream did happen but it was not an extended one. The club came back down under Robson who miserably failed ( I will look in more depth at this at a later point) so then the spiral continued to where United find themselves today; going into the third division in the first time in over 20 years. In hindsight things could have been done differently but that was not to be and we shall just have to see what happens. I am optimistic about next season (but with transfers pending). As Norwich and Leicester got out at the first attempt I see Sheff Untd in the same bracket and being able to do the same. 
Its going to be a long ride; full of twists and turns but hopefully one that will have a happy endinging!