Tuesday 28 June 2011

Darius and C.Porter

So the BIG NEWS today: well not such big news really, but interesting all the same. Millwall may be in talks with Henderson. Well to me this is great! It means we get 14k (ish) back on the wage bill. For me this can only be a good thing. Don't get me wrong I don't think Henderson is a bad player, and he is power would certainly be an asset in L1. However I'm sure we can get more for less money, there are some strikers without clubs at the moment and the one that stands out for me is Chris Porter. I have always been a fan of him, back from his Oldham days I thought he would turn out to be something more than what he has achieved. With some bad luck and a little poor form its fair to say he has underperformed, I do recognised that is partially down to himself by not taking the most of his Derby County chance, but injuries really have played a part in his downfall.
For me he still has miles left on the clock and they would be well used at the Lane. He could get his career back on track at Sheffield United. Its back in a division that he knows well from playing here, so given a little time he would be able to find his footing I'm sure. It really could be a move that gets him back where he wants to be. Going on the presumption that United get straight back to the Championship there is nothing to say he couldn't find his feet there as well and continue to do well. Just a thought..

Edit 12/7/12 How wrong was I about Porter eh?
Hopefully he will do the business next year.

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